Advanced Academics Program

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) offers a continuum of advanced academic services for all students in grades K-8.  Learning experiences are designed to develop higher-level thinking through enrichment, acceleration, and extensions of the Program of Studies (POS).  Teachers, administrators, and advanced academic resource teachers (AARTs) work together to provide the following services in each elementary school:

  • Access to Rigor, Grades K-6

All students in kindergarten through grade six have opprotunities to think critically, reason, and problem-solve. Teachers use the following:

  • Critical and creative thinking strategies in their lessons.
  • Materials from the AAP Curriculum Framework at least once per quarter.

Parents may also practice the thinking strategies during family conversations and activities.  A description of the nine critical and creative thinking strategies can be found at

  • Subject Specific Services, Grades K-6

Subject Specific Services include ways the classroom teacher adjust instruction for students such as:

  • Providing different assignments and resources in those subjects.
  • Grouping students by their strengths, interests, and readiness.

The AART collaborates with classroom teachers to provide additional challenges through lessons and resources that extend and enrich the POS.

  • Part-Time Advanced Academic Programs, Grades 3-6

Students identified by a local school screening committee for part-time advanced academic services are challenged through models and strategies designed to extend and enrich the POS in multiple subject areas.  Students receive direct instruction from the AART and classroom teacher at Pine Spring using curriculum from the AAP Curriculum and Resources to support the differentiated framework.  Students identified for part-time services maintain that identification through 6th grade.

Screening for school-based services can happen at any time during the school year but is done schoolwide in the spring to determine services for the next school year.  Parents or guardians may initiate the screening process for school-based services by submitting the AAP School-Based Services Referral Form to Tracy Haynes.

  • Full-Time Services, Grades 3-6

Full-Time advanced academic services at Pine Spring E.S. offers identified students a highly challenging instructional program that follows the FCPS Program of Studies. Adaptations are made to the curriculum to provide an appropriate level of challenge for advanced learners. 

Students eligible for Full-Time AAP services:

  • Are cluster grouped with other students who have similar academic needs 
  • Use a curriculum that is differentiated through acceleration, depth, and complexity of content.  

Additional information regarding full-time services can be accessed here.


If you have any questions, please contact Tracy Haynes at @email.

Advanced Academics Resource Teacher