Contact Us
Important contacts and phone numbers
School Address: 7607 Willow Lane Falls Church, VA 22042
- The main office phone number is 571-226-4400.
- The main office fax number is 571-226-4497
- The school office hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Pine Spring ES is part of FCPS Region 2. Visit the Region 2 website to learn more.
- All decisions related to inclement weather cancellations, delays, and procedures are determined by the FCPS central office.
School Web Curator: Bridget Lovas
Staff Directory
- Main Office: 571-226-4400
- Attendance: 571-226-4444 | Attendance Form
- School Registrar (New Student Registration): Leslye Breeden | 571-226-4403
- Health Room: 571-226-4410
School Counseling Team
- Counselors: 571-226-4466
- Psychologist: 571-226-4491
- Social Worker: 571-226-4448